Prices: Registration: $25 per student, 1st lesson $120/month, additional lessons (if you take lessons on a second instrument, or if multiple students from the same household take lessons) $108/month, Band-$108/month, Band with lesson $96/month.
Lessons are one-on-one lessons and meet for 30 min each week*.
o Sampler Lessons --a unique program which allows you to sample multiple instruments
o Guitar
o Bass Guitar
o Drums
o Keyboard
o Vocals
o Songwriting
o Audio Basics -- learn how to record your musical performances
o Combo lessons --combine multiple lessons together to make your own mix
Rehearsals are usually 1 hour weekly, but will vary, depending on the needs of of the band. You are not required to take lessons to be in a band, but it is highly recommended. If you select this during registration, you are indicating you are interested in participating in a Tonalta band, but does not guarantee selection for a band. Audition and/or teacher recommendation may be required for Tonalta Bands.
Payment Info
Tonalta accepts these two forms of payment:
1) monthly payments, if you sign up for EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)
2) full semester payments with check or cash.
We do not accept debit or credit cards.
If you sign up for EFT, initial fees will be drafted when we have scheduled your lesson time and you have confirmed. All subsequent fees are drafted on the first day of the month, unless prior arrangements are made. If you pay with check or cash, full payment of semester is required on, or before, the first lesson.
*based on 47 weeks per year. See policies for details.